Senior Research Scientist
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I am a senior research scientist at NVIDIA.
I received my Ph.D. from Department of ECE at Seoul National University, Korea, advised by prof. Kyoung Mu Lee.
Research Interests
I am interested in generative AI and low-level computer vision problems including visual quality enhancement.
My recent research topics include image/video generation, deblurring, super-resolution, and neural network acceleration.
- Area Chair: ICLR 2024, ICLR 2025
- Journal reviewer: IEEE TPAMI, TIP, TNNLS, JSTSP, TMM, TCI, SPL. Springer IJCV, TVCJ, Elsevier CVIU
- Workshop reviewer: NTIRE 2019-2021, AIM 2019-2020, LCI 2021
- Workshop co-organizer: NTIRE 2019, 2020, 2021, AIM 2019, 2020, AI4CC 2022, 2023
Awards and Honors
- Outstanding Reviewer: CVPR 2021, ICCV 2019, 2021, ECCV 2020, 2022
- KCCV Sang-Uk Lee Prize, 2022
- Distinguished Dissertation Award: Department of ECE, SNU, 2021
- CVPR 2021 Doctoral Consortium
- Highly Cited Paper Award: Department of ECE, SNU, 2018
- AWS Cloud Credits for Research, 2018
- Challenge Winner & Best Paper: NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution
- Microsoft Azure Research Award, 2017
- We are looking for 2024 Summer PhD interns at NVIDIA Deep Imagination Research team. Please reach out by email if interested.
- I’m co-organizing the 6th NTIRE workshop and challenges in conjunction with CVPR 2021. I, Sanghyun Son, Suyoung Lee are in charge of image deblurring and video super-resolution challenge tracks. Image Deblurring Track 1. Low Resolution, Track 2. JPEG artifacts, Video Super-Resolution Track 1. Spatial, Track 2. Spatio-Temporal.
- I’m co-organizing the 2nd AIM workshop and challenges in conjunction with ECCV 2020. Sanghyun Son, I and Jaerin Lee are in charge of Video Temporal Super-Resolution Challenge.
- I’m co-organizing the 5th NTIRE workshop and challenges in conjunction with CVPR 2020. I and Sanghyun Son are in charge of Image/Video Deblurring challenge tracks. Track 1: Image deblurring, Track 2: Image deblurring on mobile devices, Track 3: Video deblurring.
- I’m co-organizing the 1st AIM workshop and challenges in conjunction with ICCV 2019. I and Sanghyun Son are in charge of Video Temporal Super-Resolution Challenge.
- REDS dataset for video deblurring/super-resolution is available!
- I co-organized the 4th NTIRE workshop and challenges in conjunction with CVPR 2019. Many thanks to my colleagues, Sungyong Baik, Seokil Hong, Gyeongsik Moon, Sanghyun Son, Radu Timofte and Kyoung Mu Lee for collecting, processing and releasing the REDS dataset together.